Thursday, September 19, 2013

Spelling City

Spelling City is and interactive website that the kids can use to practice their spelling words in fun and exciting ways. All of the grade 1 classes are using the same spelling curriculum, so we have matching spelling lists. This allows us to create a Grade 1 Spelling City page, so all the students can access it at home. Yesterday in class, we played some spelling games in class with the new words for this week - as your child about it :)

To use Spelling City, Click HERE and then follow these directions:

1. Click on Find A List.

2. Then, type in Peter Randall and press search (He did the original log-in, so it’s under his name). 

       3.  Click on Peter Randall, and it will take you to the following screen. . .

4.  Here, you will find the current (and past) spelling list, and you can choose: S-Test, Teach, or Games, and do anything that is listed as a Free Activity. 

And to clarify. . . this is NOT required homework. The weekly homework must still be completed, but this is an option for additional practice and fun :) 

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