Learning Outcomes

Weekly BIG Ideas!

Math: Adding and subtracting numbers from 20 - 40
- Students will be using previously learned strategies of counting, but moving past the number 20. 
- Using place value to add two, two digit numbers. 

Science: Force and Movement
- push
- pull

Language Arts: Fiction (all of Term 4)

We will be talking about the elements of each of the three different types of fiction. The students will interact with different stories from each genre, and get a chance to write their own fiction pieces. 

Bible: Gideon
The Israelites stopped obeying God after Joshua died. They started to worship idols and were being threatened by the Midianites. God sent an angel to Gideon, telling him that he was chosen by God to lead the people and help defeat their enemy. Gideon thought he was not strong enough, and from a family that was too small. He asked God to give him a sign. God caused fire to come from a rock, and accepted Gideon's sacrifice. Gideon trusted in God and became courageous to fight the enemy with God's help. 

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