Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Parent Involvement in the Classroom

Dear parents,

We have now been in school for over a month! Can you believe how fast the time is flying by? The students are starting to learn their school routines, and feel more confident. Now that classroom routines have been established, we will start letting you know about opportunities to get involved in the classroom. We like parent involvement to be scheduled, so that we can have interactive activities planned. Some of these activities might include the following:

  • Prepare a healthy snack for the class - Once a month (Monday at 8:00)
  • Lead or assist in an art lesson - On a Thursday from 12:00 - 1:00 
  • Share an area of expertise - For example, we will be doing a unit on healthy eating. If you are a doctor and could come talk to the class about the benefits of healthy eating, that would be great! 
  • Help with an interactive lesson - For example, we will soon be doing a unit on plants and their life cycle. If you like to garden, or would like to help us when we "plant" mung beans in the classroom, you would be welcome to help.
  • Holidays - Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Easter, (any Korean holidays? We'd love to celebrate all the cultures in our classroom!). We will have class meals and/or parties to celebrate these holidays and will definitely need parent help! 
As these opportunities arise, I will contact Ibu Catherine with the details, and she can communicate with you to organize who will help. We would love for all parents to have a chance to participate in classroom activities throughout the year! Also, please feel free to contact us if you have any other ideas or ways you would like to help. We look forward to seeing you more :)

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