Monday, December 16, 2013

Potluck List

Hello wonderful  parents! Here is the potluck list we came up with in class today. If you responded to me, I put your name into the list. If you did not, then your child got to choose :) Of course, if you are not okay with what you're signed up for, let me know - it's not set in stone.

Please send the food or drink to school with your child on Friday morning. We will have a table in the classroom for the food. If it needs refrigeration, let us know. And REMEMBER: not 23 servings, 4-5 will be good :)

We will provide the plates, cups, and silverware.

Main Course
Joshua- pizza
Yeseo- dock pokki
James- hot dogs
Jacob- cheeseburgers
Jina- sushi
Catherine- ???

Side Dish
Chae Jin- chicken nuggets
Cheryl- bread
Mya- fruit
Joleen- ???
Gail- ???
Abigail- nachos

Colin- cake pops
Darron- caramel pudding
Nathan - ice cream
Christopher- mini cheesecakes
Karina- banana cake
Charis- cookies

Daena- juice
Joanna- Utra
Shi Yeon- Lemonade
Brayden- Orange juice
Yu- ???

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cha Cha Slide

This is just for fun!
We practiced the song several times in class this week. It's fun to do while learning about directions words :)

LINK to Cha Cha Slide

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Service Week: Thanksgiving

Lots of pictures from today! What a fun day it was! Thank you to all the parents who came to participate in the craft time, and especially the preparation of the wonderful lunch! We are blessed by you! 
My only regret from today, is that I didn't manage to get a whole class picture. . .

Monday, November 25, 2013

Service Week: part 1

I can't believe the last blog post was so long ago! We've moved from Korean Thanksgiving to American Thanksgiving so quickly! We'll be having our Thanksgiving lunch in just three days!

10:10 - 10:45 Student Thanksgiving lunch with traditional American food ( no need to pack a lunch that day)

12:00 - 1:00 Thanksgiving craft in the classroom with parents :) We will be making apple turkeys!
                    You can leave with your child straight from the classroom for dismissal.

Here's a little sneak peak of what we did TODAY at school. . .

Making peanut butter cookies to pass out to the security guards at our school tomorrow.
In class, we talked about all the people who serve us every day at school. This is our way of saying thank you! The students also wrote thank you cards to hand out with the cookies. And a special thanks to Ibu Dewi and Ibu Ranu for leading a group of students in the kitchen. We couldn't do things like this without the help of parent volunteers! :)

Reading to the K3 students :) 
The kids did SUCH a good job reading stories to the Kindy kids. You can see from the pictures how engaged they were with the stories, and the care they took to show the pictures. I'm so proud of them all! :)