Friday, May 9, 2014

Assembly Song Practice

On May 21, Grade 1 and 2 will be leading the Junior School Chapel Assembly. The theme for the assembly is Be Bold! Be Brave! Our class will be leading a few songs. We have been practicing them in class, but I want the kids to be able to practice at home (motions also!)

Wherever You Go


**The assembly will be from 10:15 - 11:00.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


We've been singing lots of fun songs during our morning devotion time, and during Bible time as we learn about the 10 Commandments. I have started a Songs page up above next to the Class List tab. I will continue to update it as we learn new ones. The kids have been asking for the links so they can listen to the songs at home. Enjoy! :)

Friday, February 28, 2014

Reading with Grade 10

For Reading Month, we've taken every opportunity to open a book and read! My husband, Mr Chris, teaches two sections of Grade 10, and they were willing to visit our classroom on two occasions and read to the kids! It was so great to see the older kids interacting with the younger ones - everyone had lots of fun :)
Here are some pictures from the two days for you to enjoy. . .

Friday, February 7, 2014

We caught a "Bad Case of the Stripes!"

The kids looked great today with all of their stripes! In class, we read the story "Bad Case of Stripes" by, David Shannon. The kids learned that it's important to be yourself no matter what! If you want to listen to the story with your child, you can click on the link below. 

Bad Case of Stripes

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Service Week: Part 2 - Acts of service around the school

Welcome back to school, and happy NEW YEAR!
I am really behind on posting all the pictures that I've taken during class activities, but better late than never! Here are a few pictures from the second half of Service Week. . .

Passing out the peanut butter cookies to the security guards, and thanking them for all they do to make our school and safe place!

The kids also got a chance to learn from the cleaners how to wash the glass windows in our school. We talked about how we should be thankful for what the cleaners do to keep our school clean. And since we can't always help them by cleaning, we can do our best not to put our hands on the glass windows, and pick up after ourselves when we leave messes. The kids did great!